Academic Review: Appointment and Advancement

This page provides information regarding the appointment and advancement review processes for academic employees, also known as “academic review”.  If you are an academic employee inquiring about your own academic review, please contact your Academic Generalist in HR Shared Services, whom you can find listed via the following link: Find Your HR Representative Search.

Academic Review Criteria

It is the policy of the University to evaluate objectively and thoroughly each candidate for appointment, promotion, or merit increase. Promotions and merit increases are not automatic, but are based on merit.

Appointment and advancement policies and procedures for specific title series may be found below. For more information on series criteria and eligibility for advancement please consult with your Academic HR Generalist, whom may be found here:  Find Your HR Representative Search.

UC System-Wide Review Criteria

Academic Personnel Manual (APM) review criteria by academic series:

Academic Senate voting rights:

Contracts for Represented Non-Faculty Academic Employees:

UCSF Campus Review Criteria

Accelerated/On-Time Advancement:

Chair Letter:

Curriculum Vitae:


Dossier Checklists

Dossier checklists list the material requirements for academic review packets based on the type of academic review action and/or academic series.

Additional Procedural Documents

Approval authorities for review actions:

Review packet routing deadlines:

Review packet requirements:

Additional procedures by review type:

Additional procedures by series type:

Appointment forms:

Additional Information on Academic Clinical Titles

The University of California Office of the President (UCOP) released revised and new sections of the Academic Personnel Manual (APM), updating policies affecting the review, appointment, reappointment, and advancement of employees in academic clinical titles. At UCSF, these changes went into effect on July 1, 2018.

Campus Implementation Guidelines & Resources:


For additional assistance with these policies, please contact Phillip Babcock, Strategic Business Partner.

Additional Information on Visiting Scholars / Other Visitors

Academic Policy for Visiting Scholars and Other Visitors provides an opportunity for visitors on leave from an academic appointment, other employment, or student enrollment at a home institution or other entity to visit UCSF to participate in a short-term educational, research, or academic project under the supervision of an academic appointee.

Resources, Forms, and Instruction Guides:

Visiting Scholars/Other Visitors must complete this form and submit it to their sponsor or sponsor’s department:

Sponsor or sponsor’s department must complete the following document, and submit it along with the applicant form and required documents:

Additional resources for Visiting Scholars/Other Visitors:

Multi-Location Appointments

Multi-location appointments (MLAs) are required for UC employees who work for two or more UC locations/campuses. In a multi-location appointment, one location/campus serves as the employee's home campus while one or more other locations/campuses serve as the employee’s host campus.

For academic employees, it may be necessary for an independent academic review to be conducted by each campus. It may also be necessary that a memorandum of understanding (MOU) be signed by each location. All multi-location appointments require the completion of a multi-location appointment form (U560/644), subject to renewal on a fiscal-year basis.

Multi-location appointment forms should be sent for approval processing to the Academic Affairs Specialist assigned as liaison to the external UC campus/location on the following list: Multi-Location Appointment Contact List.

Policies and Procedures:


AB 1905 – UCOP Interim Guidance Regarding Letters of Recommendation

Interim AB 1905 Guidance Letters of Recommendation FAQ - 12/19/24