Misconduct, Grievances, and Performance Management
The UCSF Academic Employee Relations (AER) office is the primary campus resource for UCSF leadership, faculty, and other members of the campus community seeking advice and consultation on Academic Employee Relations matters. The AER office is responsible for case administration of faculty misconduct investigations, including the administration of discipline, and the disposition process for cases involving Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment. The office also handles APM 140 grievances by Non-senate Academic appointees.
Each topic section below contains information and links to relevant policies and procedures.
- Faculty Misconduct
The Academic Employee Relations team administers faculty misconduct investigations – where a faculty member is alleged to have violated the Faculty Code of Conduct (APM 015), as well as the administration of any subsequent discipline.
A formal faculty misconduct investigation is a peer review process, conducted by an ad hoc committee of faculty members. The Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs utilizes a standing panel of trained faculty members to fill the ad hoc committees. Membership on the standing panel constitutes an important form of University service.
See the following links for relevant policy and process information:
Relevant Policies
- APM 015 – The UC Faculty Code of Conduct
- APM 016- University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline
- APM 150- Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Corrective Action & Dismissal
Investigation Process
- The Procedure for the Investigation of Faculty Misconduct and the Administration of Discipline (applies to allegations received on or after 3/1/2023)
- September 1, 2017 Version – The Procedure for the Investigation of Faculty Misconduct and the Administration of Discipline
- Faculty Misconduct Investigation Process Flowchart
- Standing Panel, Call for Service
- Comments on Service on Faculty Misconduct Investigation Committees
Contact Team
For policy and process guidance, or further information concerning faculty misconduct investigations, contact the Academic Employee Relations team.
- Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
The Academic Employee Relations team coordinates the disposition phase for cases where the UC Sexual Violence Sexual Harassment (SVSH) Policy is involved. The disposition phase follows the investigation phase which is conducted by the Title IX Office (Office for the Prevention for Harassment and Discrimination – OPHD).
The disposition phase includes engagement of the Peer Review Committee (PRC), and generally concludes after the Chancellor proposes discipline or early resolution, and the faculty member or non-represented non faculty academic (NFA) declines the proposal.
See the following links for relevant policy and process information:
Relevant Policies
- UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
- APM 015 - The UC Faculty Code of Conduct
- APM 016 - University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline
- APM 150 - Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Corrective Action & Dismissal
Investigation Process
- UCOP Investigation and Adjudication Framework for Senate and Non-Senate Faculty
- Interim Procedure: Adjudication Process for Faculty and Other Non-represented Academic Appointees in Cases Involving Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (rev. 5/3/21)
- Interim Procedure: Disposition Process for Faculty and Other Non-represented Academic Appointees in Cases Involving Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (rev. 11/12/19)
- Interim Procedure: Disposition Process for Faculty and Other Non-represented Academic Appointees in Cases Involving Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (09/01/2017 version)
- List of Peer Review Committee (PRC) Members
- Standing Panel, Call for Service
OPHD Information and Resources can be found here:
Contact Team
- For policy and process guidance, or further information concerning the disposition phase for SVSH cases for faculty or non-represented NFAs, contact the Academic Employee Relations team
- Grievances - Non-Senate Academic Appointees
The Academic Employee Relations team facilitates grievances by Non-Senate Academic Appointees filed under APM 140.
See the following links for relevant policy and process information concerning APM 140 Grievances:
Relevant Policies
Relevant Process Information and Forms:
- Grievance Procedure for Non-Senate Academic Appointees (APM 140)
- APM 140 Grievance Process Flowchart
- Filing a Grievance - APM 140 Grievance Fillable Form
Contact Team
- For policy and process guidance, or further information concerning APM 140 Grievances, contact the Academic Employee Relations team
- Performance Management
Performance management entails an on-going, interactive process of communication between an appointee and their chair/division chief/PI. This process serves, among other things, to notify an academic appointee of concerns regarding their performance or conduct and to provide them with information and resources to help them address the concerns.
- Non-represented Non-Senate Academic Appointees
(Non-Senate faculty and Non-faculty Academics Appointees Not Covered by a Collective Bargaining Appointment)
APM 150 sets forth the types of and process for corrective action and dismissal of non-Senate faculty members and non-represented non-faculty academic appointees. It applies to non-Senate academic appointees covered by a collective bargaining agreement only to the extent provided for in the collective bargaining agreement.
Performance Management (“Corrective Action”) Steps for Departments
- When performance management is required, be proactive.
• Document concerns and performance issues and communicate with the appointee.
• Document all communications. - Consult with Academic HR Shared Services and/or your Dean’s Office – Academic Affairs early in the process.
- Make sure expectations are clear and corrective in nature, not punitive.
- Following an informal spoken discussion with an appointee, the appointee may be issued a written counseling memo. (Depending on the circumstances, a counseling memo may not be necessary. Consult with Academic HR Shared Services for advice.)
- A Written Warning identifying the unsatisfactory work performance, dereliction of duty or other concerns related to an appointee’s work performance or conduct must be prepared in consultation with Academic HR Academic Shared Services and your Dean’s Office – Academic Affairs.
• A Written Warning must also inform the appointee of the method of correction and the probable consequence if their performance or conduct does not improve. - The appointee must be provided sufficient time to correct the issue(s) giving rise to the Warning.
- Consult with Academic HR Shared Services and/or your Dean’s Office – Academic Affairs before making any changes to the work assignments, salary, leave status, work location etc. of an appointee undergoing performance management.
- If an appointee shares any personal difficulties they are experiencing, refer them to the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.
Dismissal Steps for Departments
Dismissal of academic appointees covered by APM 150 may occur only after the above steps have been taken and the unsatisfactory performance, dereliction of duty or conduct continues.
It is a two-step process requiring a written Notice of Intent, followed by a written Notice of Action. The appointee has 14 calendar days to respond to the Notice of Intent. Contact Academic HR Shared Services for additional information.
- When performance management is required, be proactive.
- Represented Non-Faculty Academics and Faculty
Contact Labor and Employee Relation at [email protected].
- Senate Faculty
Performance management for Senate faculty should follow the parameters for non-Senate academic appointees in terms of on-going communication and documentation. Performance management differs from matters covered under the Faculty Code of conduct (APM 015).
Performance Management Steps for Departments
- When performance management is required, be proactive.
• Document concerns and performance issues and communicate with the faculty appointee.
• Document all communications. - Consult with Academic HR Shared Services and/or your Dean’s Office – Academic Affairs early in the process.
Relevant Policies
- When performance management is required, be proactive.
- Other Policies & Procedures Relevant to Academic Employee Relations
The following policies and procedures are not handled by the Academic Employee Relations team, but may be relevant in certain investigations or grievances.
- UCSF Integrity of Research Policy (Campus Administrative Policy 100-29)
- UCSF Integrity of Research Procedures
- UC Anti-Discrimination Policy
- UCSF Whistleblower Information
- APM 145 - Non-Senate Academic Appointees/layoff and Involuntary Reduction in Time
- Academic Senate By-Laws
- Updated Policies and Procedures for Expressive Activities
- UCSF Implementing Procedures - UC Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Policy