Faculty Demographic Data
Since 2001, the Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs has published a headcount of faculty by school, by series, by gender, and by ethnicity. This is the Faculty Headcount report (also known as the “Faculty Workforce Report”) which is pulled annually at the end of each October and published on the Faculty and Academic Affairs website in early November. It provides an overview to answer the basic questions such as “How many faculty work at UCSF?”, “What percentage of Ladder Rank Professors are African American?”, ”How many Health Sciences Clinical faculty does the School of Medicine have?”, or “What is the gender ratio for faculty in the School of Nursing?” This report is used for external reporting, internal planning, and to complete many form questions from outside agencies and grant institutions. Guidelines for access to sex and ethnicity data.
Contact: Wilson Hardcastle, (415) 476-2016
The Faculty Headcount Report breaks out the UCSF faculty population by school, by series, by gender, and by ethnicity and is pulled annually at the end of each October and published on the Academic Personnel website in early November.
Note to users trending data: Advancements in the campus academic appointment systems have enabled improvement to the methodology for determining the annual faculty headcount. If you are using this data year-over-year for tending purposes, you may want to note the update to the methodology and how it may affect the count on a granular level. The refined methodology begins with the 2018 workforce report.
Current Report: Faculty Headcount 10/2024
Interactive Demographic Dashboards: UCSF Annual Faculty Headcount and Demographics, 2024 and UCSF Faculty Population Trends, 2013-2024.
- Related Tables
UCSF Faculty Headcount 2024 by Department
UCSF Faculty Headcount 2024 Series By Rank
UCSF Faculty Headcount 2024 Rank by Gender by Series
UCSF Faculty Headcount 2024 Rank by Series
UCSF Faculty Headcount 2024 by Gender by URM By Series - Historical Reports
Faculty Headcount by School, Series, Gender, and Ethnicity
Faculty Headcount 2023
Faculty Headcount 2022
Faculty Headcount 2021
Faculty Headcount 2020
Faculty Headcount 2019
Faculty Headcount 2018
Faculty Headcount 2017
Faculty Headcount 2016
Faculty Headcount 2015
Faculty Headcount 2014
Faculty Headcount 2013
Faculty Headcount 2012
Faculty Headcount 2011
Faculty Headcount 2010
Faculty Headcount 2009
Faculty Headcount 2008
Faculty Headcount 2007
Faculty Headcount 2006 - Methodology
Since 2001, the office under the Vice Provost Academic Affairs has published a headcount of faculty by school, by series, by gender, and by ethnicity. This is the Faculty Headcount report (previously also referred to as the “Faculty Workforce” report) is used and cited by campus agencies and is the main reference point for a wide variety of campus users. Since this report began in 2001, the description of the faculty body and the method for counting heads has remained consistent, but had not been reexamined to determine if this description or methodology accurately reflect how faculty appointments function now or if it could be improved. Over 2016 and 2017, the evaluation and tabulation methodology underwent an improvement review.
Updates and refinements to the methodology were necessary based on the:
- Evolution of the faculty population and appointment types
- Evolution of the information systems governing faculty data
Definition of the Faculty Workforce:
- Historical definition: “Any person with a faculty appointment receiving pay from UCSF.”
- Historical method: Derived from payroll data; faculty are identified by payroll title and counted where they are paid.
- Revised definition: “Appointees in the five faculty series who have a significant professional commitment to the University as defined by percent effort or percent pay via UCSF or a formal affiliation (VAMC, Fresno, BCH Oak, Gladstone, or HHMI).”
- Revised method: Derived from Advance; faculty are identified by academic title and counted in their academic home department.
The evolution of faculty appointments and the technology managing faculty appointments drove the revision to the definition and methodology to identify the faculty workforce at UCSF. The revised headcount methodology began with the 2018 Faculty Headcount to ensure that we accurately address the progression of the faculty population and take advantage of advanced information systems to better serve our faculty.
- Refined methodology slides: Learn how the change in methodology affected headcount at the campus and school levels and comparisons between the calculations for 2017 regarding series, rank, gender, and URM status.
- Total faculty headcount comparison for 2018: See how the change in methodology affectsedthe population count for the same year.
- Population Trends
The following charts depict faculty growth using the faculty headcount reports from 2014 to the present. Please note that the methodology update in 2018 (noted above) may affect trending counts on a granular level. The following charts are presented in the aggregate.
UCSF Faculty Population Trends, 2013-2023
- UCSF Faculty Composition by Series 2014-2024
- UCSF Faculty Population Growth 2014-2024
- UCSF Faculty Population Growth by Gender 2014-2024
- UCSF Faculty Population Trend by Ethnicity Line 2014-2024
- UCSF Faculty Population Trend by Series Bar 2014-2024
- UCSF Faculty Population Trend by Series Line 2014-2024