
  • Faculty and Non-Faculty Academics – Access to Advance is automatically granted to all Faculty and Non-Faculty Academics (NFAs) with an appointment in the payroll system. If you believe you should have access to Advance but are unable to log in, please contact your Department Manager or HR Representative.
  • The Proxy role can only be assigned by a faculty member to those they designate to work on his/her CV or Packet.

The following roles are assigned by the Security Administrator. Access requests for should be sent to [email protected].

  • The Academic Personnel Analyst (APA) roles manage the academic review process. This role can create and add documents to packets, invite reviewers to view packets, and route packets to other review levels (Department, Dean’s Office, CAP, VPAA). This role is expected to ensure that each packet is complete and ready for review before routing to the next level. The Academic Personnel Administrator role is only granted by request of Shared Services managers.
  • Chair, Dean, CAP, and VPAA roles are assigned to those who have the authority to certify and approve packets.
  • The Administrator role can view academic records and run reports, but plays no part in the Academic Review process. This role is typically assigned to department staff who have some responsibility in managing their academic personnel. Requests must be approved by the Chair and/or MSO of the department.
  • The Admin Plus role can perform Administrator functions, but can also view Academic Review packets, draft the Chair Letter, receive packet decision notifications, and view the most recent packet CV. Requests must be approved by the Chair and/or MSO of the department.