Academic Review Process Overview

Periodic review of academic accomplishments is required by University policy (APM - 210220, and 160) for all academic appointees. Advance was developed to facilitate the academic review process by generating an Eligibility List, standardizing the process of requesting Reference Letters, and streamlining the Routing, Review, and Approval process. The Advance CV - a key element of the academic review packet - uses a structured format developed by the Academic Senate in 2003 (and updated in 2015) to make it easier for reviewers to find the information to support the academic review.

  • Go to the Advance page to find helpful documentation about the CV and using Advance to manage the Academic Review process.
  • Academic Review process steps are detailed below.
Academic Generalist
  1. Runs the Eligibility List in Advance and reviews the list with the department Chair
    • The list may be modified at the request of the Chair
      • some candidates who are eligible may opt for deceleration
      • some who are not yet eligible may be put forward for acceleration
  2. Creates packets according to the modified Eligibility List, from the Search page
  3. Notifies the candidate using the Initial Notification feature in Advance. This process
    • sends a standard email to the candidate with details about what needs to be included in the packet
    • sets a 42-day clock after which, if the CV has not been copied to the new packet, the packet will be automatically withdrawn from the review process
      • The candidate must wait until the next review cycle, or has to make a special request through the Chair to the Dean to be included in the current academic review cycle
  4. Works with the candidate to compile the required elements of the packet
    • The Dossier Checklists detail the required elements for the academic review packet for each Series (Adjunct, Clinical X, etc.) and for each academic action (Appointment, Merit, Promotion, etc.)
  5. Works with the Chair to finalize the list of referees to be contacted
    • The Candidate gives a list of intramural/extramural referees to the Academic Generalist
    • The Generalist reviews the list with the Chair, who modifies it, as appropriate
  6. Solicits reference letters from the list of names provided by the Candidate and modified by the Chair
    • The Candidate can add referee names through the Referee List page of their My Packet tab
    • The Generalist reviews the list on their own Reference List page to ensure that names, titles, email addresses are correct, and adds new names as necessary; additional names may be provided by the Candidate off-line, or by the Chair
    • BEFORE sending emails to referees, the Generalist
      • Verifies the References Due date displayed on the Manage References page
      • Decides whether to use the Auto-reminder process for these reference requests
        • Auto-reminder will send a reminder email 7-days, 2-days, and 0-days from the Reference Due Date
        • If a referee has submitted through Advance, the Auto-reminder is canceled
      • Reviews the email on the Manage References page to ensure that the correct Chair is displayed and that the correct email template is being used
  7. Manages the departmental review (see The Department Review process)
    • Works with the Chair to determine who will review the packet
      • May set up a Committee under the Department Mgmt tab, where reviewers of multiple packets (e.g., Department promotions Committee) can be grouped to facilitate adding reviewers to the packet
    • Works with the Chair to create and certify the Chair Letter (department recommendation)
  8. Routes the packet to the next level
    • This process informs the candidate of the departmental recommendation and allows the candidate seven days to view the packet and add a response, if warranted. At the end of the seven-day period, the packet routes to the Specialty Center where an Academic Specialist reviews the packet prior to adding a Dean to the reviewer list.
  9. Manages all their packets from the Overview page
  1. Updates their CV in Advance and copies it into the packet
    • Copying the CV into the packet stops the 42-day clock
  2. Adds Reference information to the packet's Referee List page
    • Teaching/Mentoring referees are students, trainees, or mentees who can give an assessment of the candidate's teaching and mentoring work. See instructions for providing referee information.
    • Intramural and extramural referees are individuals who can speak to the candidate's professional work; they must be at the equivalent of the candidate's proposed rank or higher. Intramural means from UCSF; extramural means from any other institution or hospital, including from other UC campuses. See instructions for providing referee information.
  3. Works with the Academic Generalist to ensure that all elements of the packet are in place before departmental review
Department Reviewers
  1. The Chair of the department determines which department faculty should review which packets
    • The Academic Generalist adds reviewers to the packet on the Reviewer List page
  2. The Vote
    • Some academic reviews require a vote and some do not
    • When the Academic Generalist calls the Vote, the reviewers are no longer able to see the Chair Letter
  3. Chair certifies the Chair Letter
    • Chair Letter certification locks the packet, restricting changes
      • WARNING: The Academic Generalist should NOT add the Chair to the Reviewer List until the packet is ready for routing to the Dean
    • Department reviewers are able to draft the Chair Letter, but only the Chair can certify
    • If the Chair certifies BEFORE the packet is ready for routing, the Academic Generalist must de-certify, make changes, and then ask the Chair to Certify again
Academic Specialist
  1. Reviews the packet for completion before adding the Dean(s) to the Reviewer List page
    • May return the packet to the Generalist in cases where there is a policy issue or missing element(s)
    • Many packets only require Dean certification as the final Decision point. For these packets, skip to the Decision step.
  2. If the academic review requires it, or at the request of the Dean or Vice Provost, routes the packet to the Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP)
  3. Adds the Vice Provost to the Reviewer List. The Vice Provost has the final say in a packet decision, although for most Merit actions the decision is delegated to the Dean.
  4. Sends the Decision Notification and Completes/closes the packet

These documents may be useful, though most documents are on the Advance page