Expanded Exceptions to the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program

1. Update FRAP PDF: https://dev-facultyacademicaffairs.pantheonsite.io/faculty-life/home-loan-programs/FRAP-Campus-Guidelines.pdf
2. Add link to announcement.
Announcing Expanded Exceptions to the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program (FRAP) Effective June 15, 2021
Executive Summary:
- The Vice Provost Academic Affairs has delegated authority to approve exceptions to APM-190 Appendix E governing the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program (FRAP) with regards to (1) eligibility and (2) payments above the program limit (currently $73,600) up to but not exceeding $150,000.
- Effective March 1, 2021, departments may offer and provide a FRAP payment up to $150,000 without an individual written exception approval from the Vice Provost Academic Affairs if the individual candidate meets the criteria described below.Effective March 1, 2021, faculty recruits into the Adjunct Professor or Health Sciences Clinical Professor titles may be considered exceptionally eligible for FRAP payments if the individual candidate meets the criteria described below.
- The Vice Provost Academic Affairs issues these changes with the support of the 2019 Faculty Climate Task Force.
Process Updates for Exceptions to the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program Guidelines
With respect to the Recommendations of the 2019 Faculty Climate Task Force, the Vice Provost Academic Affairs issues the following updates to the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program regarding (A) exceptional amounts above the program limit; and (B) exceptional approval for non-standard titles (specifically, recruits into the Adjunct Professor or Health Sciences Clinical Professor titles):
(A) Exceptional Amounts up to $150,000
The program limit is set by UCOP and is presented in Table 40 to the most recent Academic Salary Scales. The current limit is $73,600, effective 07/01/19. Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program payments of $73,6000 or less do not need to consider criteria for exception, but remain subject to the campus repayment policy as required by APM 190, Appendix E. Furthermore, Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program payments of $50,000 or less remain exempt from the campus repayment policy. The campus repayment policy is online at http://policies.ucsf.edu/policy/300-47.
PROGRAM UPDATE: Effective immediately, the Vice Provost Academic Affairs provides the following criteria for individuals to be considered exceptionally approved to receive Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program grants in excess of the program limit and up to $150,000. Should an individual recruitment scenario meet these criteria the department may offer the payment and request payment via HR (PeopleConnect) without a written exception approval letter from the Vice Provost Academic Affairs.
- The candidate is a named individual being recruited into an Academic Senate series (Ladder Rank, In Residence, or Clinical X) with a 100% appointment to the University. Senate recruits with a fractional compensation structure and paid-by-affiliate remain eligible as long as the academic appointment represents 100% commitment to the University. The full compensation structure need not be solely the responsibility of UCSF if engaged cooperatively with a formal affiliate (e.g. VAMC, Gladstone, SFGH).
- If the candidate meets the above criteria and the eligible appointment is approved and effective and it is no more than two years after the effective date, the recruiting department may request the payment be disbursed directly via HR (PeopleConnect).
- If the candidate meets the above criteria and the eligible appointment is not yet fully approved or effective, departments may request payment disbursement if (A) the appointment has at a minimum been certified by the department chair in Advance; AND (B) the candidate has been on-boarded and is able to receive payroll pay UC Path.
Under any condition, candidates must be in the payroll system in order to receive funding under the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program.
(B) Non-Standard Titles
Per APM 190 Appendix E, eligibility for payments under the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program is restricted to faculty appointees into an Academic Senate series. Recognizing the essential nature of Health Sciences Clinical and Adjunct appointees at UCSF, the Vice Provost Academic Affairs agrees with the recommendation of the 2019 Faculty Climate Task Force and expands eligibility of the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program to include full-time recruitments into these non-Senate faculty titles.
PROGRAM UPDATE: Effective immediately, the Vice Provost Academic Affairs provides the following criteria for individuals to be considered exceptionally approved as eligible to receive Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program grants in excess of the program limit and up to
- The candidate is a named individual being recruited into an Adjunct Professor or Health Sciences Clinical Professor title with a 100% appointment to the University. Recruits with a fractional compensation structure and paid-by-affiliate remain eligible as long as the academic appointment represents 100%-time commitment to the University. The full compensation structure need not be solely the responsibility of UCSF if engaged cooperatively with a formal affiliate (e.g. VAMC, Gladstone, SFGH).
- If the candidate meets the above criteria, the eligible appointment is approved and effective, and it is no more than two years after the effective date, the recruiting department may request the payment be disbursed directly via HR (PeopleConnect).
- If the candidate meets the above criteria and the eligible appointment is not yet fully approved or effective, departments may request payment disbursement if (A) the appointment has at a minimum been certified by the department chair in Advance; and (B) the candidate has been on-boarded and is in the payroll system.
Under any condition, candidates must be in the payroll system in order to receive funding under the Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program.
- All other program and repayment requirements remain in effect.
- Funding remains the responsibility of the recruiting entity.
- A change in series from a non-Senate series to a Senate series is considered a new appointment for the purposes of FRAP eligibility.
- A change in series from a Senate series to a non-Senate series is not considered a new appointment for the purposes of recruitment.
- Faculty may only receive one Faculty Recruitment Allowance upon their recruitment to UCSF. If a recruitment allowance payment was necessary to recruit a specific faculty member to UCSF into a non-Senate series, they will not be eligible for a payment under the program again if they are later recruited from a non-Senate appointment to a Senate-series appointment.
- The campus standard is for FRAP payments to be disbursed as a lump sum in the recruit’s first pay period. However, payments may also be scheduled as installments. As before, either the full payment or the first of a multi-payment plan must be made within the first two years of the eligible appointment to UCSF. The use and structure of a multi-payment plan is at the discretion of the department. Installment plans may be requested by candidates and departments are free to accommodate such requests at their discretion.