Call for Applications: 2023-2025 Dickson Emeritus/a Professorship Award(s) due March 15

Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to send this call for applications for the 2023-25 UCSF Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Professorship Award.
The Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Professorship Award honors UCSF emeritus/a professors whose outstanding research, scholarly work, teaching, or public service activities have continued since retirement. The highest priority will be to support activities that benefit the campus and for which funding is not available from other sources.
Each award is for a maximum of $10,000 and is made to the Emeritus/a Professor for the upcoming two (2) fiscal years. Up to two (2) awards may be given for the FY 2023 to FY 2025 period.
Applications are due by 5 p.m. on March 15, 2023.
For more information and to apply, visit:
UCSF Edward A. Dickson Emeritus Professorship Award
Please share this with emeritus/a colleagues within your respective schools and areas of oversight.
Please contact Abby Draper with any questions.
Brian K. Alldredge, PharmD
Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Neurology
University of California, San Francisco